Mudjacking vs. Polyjacking: The Science Behind Concrete Lifting

Aug 20, 2023

In the heart of St. Louis and its surrounding neighborhoods, homeowners and businesses alike face the challenge of maintaining even and safe concrete surfaces. While concrete is a robust and lasting material, over time, it can sink or settle due to various reasons.

Enter concrete lifting – a revolutionary solution that addresses this problem without resorting to complete concrete replacement. But which method should one choose: Mudjacking or Polyjacking? Let’s dive deep into the science behind these techniques.

Mud pooling out of the entry point in a concrete lifting job.

What is Concrete Lifting?

Concrete lifting, also known as slab lifting or slabjacking, is a procedure designed to raise and level sunken concrete slabs. In regions like St. Louis, with its fluctuating temperatures and occasional flooding, ground shifts can cause concrete surfaces like driveways, sidewalks, and patios to sink. Instead of the expensive and time-consuming task of replacing the entire slab, concrete lifting offers a quicker and cost-effective alternative.

The Process of Mudjacking

Mudjacking, a practice with decades of history in St. Louis, involves pumping a mixture of water, soil, sand, and cement underneath the sunken slab. This slurry fills voids, stabilizes the soil, and elevates the concrete to its original position.


  • Cost-effective.
  • Utilizes natural materials, reducing environmental impact.
  • Tried and tested, with many satisfied customers throughout St. Louis and nearby areas.


  • Heavier than polyurethane, potentially leading to further soil compression.
  • Requires larger holes in the concrete for injection.

The Process of Polyjacking

Polyjacking is a more recent addition to the concrete lifting family. Instead of a mud slurry, this method uses high-density polyurethane foam. When injected beneath the concrete, the foam expands, filling voids and lifting the slab.


  • Lightweight, reducing the risk of further soil compression.
  • Requires smaller injection holes, leading to a more aesthetic finish.
  • Sets and cures faster, allowing for quicker use of the treated area.


  • Typically more expensive than mudjacking.
  • Chemical-based, raising potential environmental concerns.

Comparison of Mudjacking vs. Polyjacking

When St. Louis residents weigh the benefits of mudjacking against polyjacking, several factors come into play. Cost is a significant consideration; mudjacking usually comes out as the more affordable option. However, the speed and minimal invasiveness of polyjacking, combined with its lighter weight, make it a favorable choice for many, especially for larger commercial areas in St. Louis. Both methods have proven effective in addressing sunken concrete; the choice often boils down to budget, environmental preferences, and specific site needs.

Case Studies

1. Historic St. Louis Home: A century-old residence in St. Louis had a sunken patio that was causing water to pool near the foundation. Given the age and aesthetics, the homeowner chose mudjacking to preserve the traditional feel, and because the environmental component was essential to them.

2. St. Louis Commercial Plaza: A shopping plaza faced liability issues due to uneven walkways. Opting for polyjacking, the business owners appreciated the swift cure time, allowing shoppers to use the pathways almost immediately post-treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a “better” option between mudjacking and polyjacking?
  • Both methods have their merits. St. Louis residents should consider the specific needs of their property, budget, and environmental inclinations.

  • How long do both treatments last?
  • While variables exist, both mudjacking and polyjacking can offer lasting solutions, often ranging from 5-10 years or more, depending on the conditions and maintenance.

Secure Your St. Louis Property Today!

Concrete lifting, whether through mudjacking or polyjacking, offers St. Louis home and business owners an effective solution to the challenges of sunken concrete. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about safety, property value, and longevity. Whether it's a walkway that's seen better days or a patio that's affecting the charm of your St. Louis home, Arch Foundation Repair is here to help. With our expertise in both mudjacking and polyjacking, we'll guide you to the best solution tailored for your needs. Don't let uneven surfaces diminish your property's value or compromise safety.

Reach out to us today for a comprehensive consultation and let's restore the strength and beauty of your concrete surfaces together.

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